Returning to school as an adult can be a daunting prospect, filled with uncertainty and fear. Whether it’s pursuing further education or learning a new skill, the idea of stepping back into the classroom after years of being away can be intimidating. However, in Cameroon, adults are increasingly embracing the challenge, recognizing the immense value that education holds for personal growth and professional advancement.

For many adults in Cameroon, the decision to return to school is driven by a desire for self-improvement and a better future. Whether they were unable to complete their education earlier in life due to financial constraints, familial obligations, or other responsibilities, these individuals are now taking bold steps to pursue their educational goals.

One of the most common fears that adults face when contemplating a return to school is the fear of failure. They may worry about whether they’ll be able to keep up with younger classmates or if they’ll be able to balance their studies with work and family commitments. However, what they often fail to realize is that their life experiences and maturity can be significant assets in the classroom.

In Cameroon, adult education programs are designed to accommodate the needs and challenges of returning students. Flexible scheduling options, including evening classes and weekend sessions, allow adults to pursue their education while still meeting their other obligations. Additionally, many programs offer support services such as counseling, tutoring, and career guidance to help adults navigate their academic journey successfully.

Another common fear among adults returning to school is fear of the unknown. They may feel uncertain about what to expect, whether they’ll be able to adapt to the academic environment, or if they’ll be accepted by their peers. However, taking that first step towards education often opens doors to new opportunities and experiences that they never imagined were possible.

Moreover, returning to school as an adult can be incredibly empowering. It offers a chance to reignite passions, pursue long-held dreams, and discover new interests. It’s an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge, skills, and perspectives, ultimately leading to personal and professional growth.

In Cameroon, adult education is not just about acquiring qualifications; it’s about fostering a culture of lifelong learning and empowerment. By overcoming their fears and embracing the journey back to school, adults in Cameroon are not only investing in themselves but also in the future of their families, communities, and nation.

So, to all the adults in Cameroon who may be hesitant about returning to school, remember this: You are capable, you are resilient, and you have the power to transform your life through education. Embrace the opportunity, face your fears head-on, and watch as your dreams take flight. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable


  • Mark Chapman
    Posted February 23, 2017 3:59 pm 0Likes

    Very interesting. Thanks!

    • Mark Chapman
      Posted February 23, 2017 4:03 pm 0Likes

      Other post are interesting too.

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  • Mark Chapman
    Posted February 23, 2017 4:04 pm 0Likes

    Also there are some things i dislike but…

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