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About US

The Best Choice for a Vocational instituition in Cameroon

Who we are

VIAE gives perspectives to active youths to depart from the rent-seeking culture and embrace the
The reality of being wealth creators and partners for sustainable development

Vocational institute for applied entrpreneurship

Where theory meets application

viea is ocused on  applied .entrepreneurship  !

The Best Choice

What Our Clients Say

“Studying digital entrepreneurship at VIAE  has been a game-changer for me, thanks to the comprehensive curriculum and hands-on experience provided by the program. I learned how to harness the power of technology to innovate, create, and launch successful ventures in the digital landscape. The practical skills I gained, coupled with the mentorship and support from my instructors, equipped me with the confidence and knowledge to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. Today, I am proud to say that I am running my own thriving online business, and I owe it all to the digital entrepreneurship program.”

Mbah Alain

Mbah Alain

“My journey in agriculture studies has been nothing short of transformative. Through engaging coursework and practical fieldwork, I gained a deep understanding of sustainable farming practices, crop management techniques, and agricultural business principles. The hands-on experience provided me with the necessary skills to address real-world challenges in the agriculture sector. Now, armed with knowledge and passion, I am making a meaningful impact in my community by implementing innovative farming methods and contributing to food security. Studying agriculture has not only shaped my career but also allowed me to play a vital role in building a more resilient and prosperous agricultural sector.”

Ayuke Rose Ekpe

Ayuke Rose Ekpe

“Studying renewable energy has been transformative. It equipped me with a solid foundation in renewable energy technologies and a deep sense of responsibility towards sustainability. Through hands-on projects, I gained practical skills in designing and implementing renewable energy systems. Now, as a renewable energy professional, I’m actively involved in promoting clean energy solutions, mitigating climate change impacts, and shaping a greener future for generations to come.”

Linda Bright

Linda Bright

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